[美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC)  $785

每日一物推薦: 最近工作時在繁重,連去逛街的機會都沒有


像最近剛買的 [美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC) $785 真的超好用的!!

而且還不用自己開車去搬#GOODS_NAME# ,對於沒有車的朋友們真的是一大福音

下面就是關於[美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC) $785 的介紹

台灣電動床工廠且偷偷告訴妳喔!! 這#GOODS_NAME# 只有在樂天市場販售 其他地方可是找不到的

因此要買[美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC) $785 可要快 否則沒貨了可就虧大了

[美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC)  $785

[美國直購 ShopUSA A] 卡門聖達戈 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (JC) $785






  • Expand your knowledge of U.S. geography, develope vocabulary and deductive reasoning skills, and practice map-reading

  • Move through 8 levels from Gumshoe to Super Sleuth

  • Includes 3,000 clues to help you on your search

  • Classic American music from all 50 states and breathtaking photographs

  • Spoken descriptions of each state by local residents

